Jun Kim


Software Engineering , Data Science , Web Development , Machine Learning


Languages and Frameworks: Java, Javascript, Python, C++, C

Toolsets/OS: MacOS, Git/GitHub


University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI

B.S., Computer Science

Aug 2021 - May 2023

Chapman University, Orange, CA

B.S., Business Administration, Economics

Aug 2015 - Dec 2018


Software Engineer, Visa


  • Created a batch job application to process over 120 million payment instruments; encrypted and decrypted sensitive account information, generated unique hashes for each card, and updated database values
  • Developed a front-end application using ReactJS and NextJS that allowed consumers to use biometrics (such as Touch ID or Face ID) to authorize payments and make online purchases
  • Enhanced the performance of an existing batch job by incorporating multithreading for parallel processing and removing redundant database queries, which resulted in a 5x improvement in processing speed
  • Added features to a Java API to enable banks to enroll customers in Visa’s Click-To-Pay product. Utilized the Spring Boot framework, including Java Persistence API to interact with SQL databases

Jun 2023 - Jul 2024

Software Engineer Intern, Visa


  • Built a ReactJS web app used for modifying metadata properties of Visa Checkout. Updated deprecated modules, redesigned the UI, and wrote comprehensive test cases
  • Recreated a back-end One-Time-Password generator into a standalone web tool, simplifying the testing workflow by eliminating the need to manually retrieve the password from an email account

May 2022 - Aug 2022

Inventory Partner Analyst, Viant Technology


  • Wrote complex SQL queries in Google BigQuery using tables containing up to 20 billion rows to derive insights about ad inventory quality and overall company performance
  • Created and deployed a quantitative rating methodology to assign a “quality score” to each programmatic ad auction received, using factors such as historical fraud rates, user information, and viewability metrics
  • Conducted linear regression analysis on the relationship between the bid price and win rate of open market auctions to advise the Engineering/Product department in the construction of their bidding algorithm
  • Utilized Tableau to create data visualizations and reporting for C-Suite management on a variety of topics including KPI measurement, user identities and segments, and bot fraud
  • Held Quarterly Business Reviews with supply partners to compare performance metrics and discuss opportunities to further optimize the business relationship

Feb 2020 - Aug 2021

Associate, Fieldman, Rolapp & Associates


  • Worked with the Cities and Counties team to advise government entities on issuing debt securities, refinancing prior bonds, and developing operating and capital budgets
  • Built Excel models analyzing financing scenarios under various economic and interest rate conditions
  • Utilized Bloomberg and Thompson Reuters to extract financial data and gauge market sentiment for use in financial models as key inputs and assumptions
  • Prepared credit presentations for rating agencies by compiling financial, statistical, and operating data of municipal entities and providing a high-level overview of the securities to be issued

Jun 2019 - Feb 2020

Investment Analyst Intern, Whittier Trust


  • Analyzed financial statements and industry-specific research utilizing FactSet and Bloomberg to prepare presentation material on historical performance, financial data, and expected future performance
  • Used investment research reports and investor presentations to analyze the US energy sector, including specific companies, to help determine an optimal investment strategy
  • Built Excel models analyzing various strategies employing derivative securities, including put and call options

Jun 2018 - Aug 2018