This program uses recursion to solve any Sudoku puzzle by brute force. The primary motivation for this project was to apply recursion in some practical way. I have also always enjoyed puzzles, so creating a Sudoku solver seemed like the perfect project. The puzzle starts at the first empty cell and begins to try all possible numbers 1-9. If a number is valid, it moves on to the next cell. If the program hits a dead end (no valid numbers can be entered in a cell), it will backtrack to the previous cell, increment the number, and try again. Once a solution is found, the completed puzzle is printed.
This tool also allows the process to be visualized to better understand it. Select one of the three speeds to observe the process step-by-step or select “Instant” to immediately solve the puzzle.
Although inefficient, this program taught me a lot about recursion and its ability to elegantly solve certain problems. In particular, it was able to solve a very difficult puzzle (one that might normally take someone a few hours) in only a few seconds using relatively few lines of code. Implementing the visualization also taught me a lot about asynchrous functions and delaying program actions.
Try the tool out here:
Source: junkim1519/sudokuSolver