In December 2018, I had graduated with a B.S. in Business Administration and Economics. I was eager to start my career in finance and was ready to tackle the world of financial markets and investing. A few years later, I knew that the field was not right for me. Although I learned a great deal about business and leadership, I missed my days of doing quantitative analysis and detailed model building. I remembered a machine learning class I had taken in R, and thought about how I could shift my career to something that was more similar to that. In an attempt to start making that shift, I began to take some introductory programming classes and immediately developed a passion for it. I took more classes, started building my own projects, and eventually decided to return for a second Bachelor’s degree, this time in computer science.
After an internship at Visa as a Software Engineer Intern, I knew for sure that I wanted to pursue software engineering as a career. My current interests are primarily in full-stack and back-end development.
My immediate goals are to develop the skills needed to be a successful software engineer and become familiar with commonly used technologies like Node, React, MongoDB, and Meteor. In the future, I’d like to experience leading my own team of software engineers to develop a product. I’d also like to learn more about machine learning and artificial intelligence. Since watching the famous AlphaGo vs Lee Sedol match in 2016, I’ve been fascinated about the many applications of AI, and would like to develop my own application that changes the way we do or think about things.